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Hopewell Museum


The Western Citizen

The Western Citizen

This exhibit was featured at the Hopewell Museum in 2007 in honor of the 200th anniversary of The Western Citizen.

Editors & Offices: Bruce Miller
Bruce Miller was a true native son, being the great-grandson of John Miller, who founded the town of Millersburg, Kentucky. He apprenticed at the Bourbon News under the tutelage of his uncle, Bruce Champ. After his uncle’s death, he partnered with Walter Champ to produce the Bourbon News. When he took over the Kentuckian-Citizen in 1899, he modernized the equipment and increased the size of the paper. The paper celebrated its 100th anniversary under Miller’s ownership and a grand reception was held. The Bourbon News described the affair which offered a sumptuous buffet and “everything that is good in the drinking line.” Their final comment: “If you were not there, you missed the reception of the season, and that’s all there is to it.”
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